We found out we were expecting on Dec. 23rd, 2009. What a wonderful early Christmas present! That morning, Ryan had gone out early, and came home with Chick-fil-a for breakfast. (A personal favorite of mine.) My oh-so-romantic husband came into our room where I was still sleeping, and set my delicious box of Chick-a-mini's on my pillow next to me. The delicious smell of chicken woke me, and I enjoyed breakfast in bed. After eating, I got up and decided to take a pregnancy test. We were hopeful it would be positive, but planned to wait until after my birthday on the 26th to try to avoid a false negative. I couldn't wait. So, when the test came back with a shining plus sign, I quickly stashed it inside my discarded chicken box, and set it on Ryan's nightstand. When I called him in to, "look in the box!" he said- "oh, no thanks baby... I'm pretty full" (Thinking I had saved him one of my mini sandwiches... yeah right! lol) Anyway, after another tiny prompt, he opened it and lit up like a kid on Christmas. We are so excited! We shared our news with Jillian, and then waited a few more days before spreading the info to immediate family. We're being a little cautiously optimistic about the situation because a few months ago, we had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. It was difficult to deal with, but we knew at the time- should we be blessed with another child in the future, we would not be able to picture our lives without that exact little person. And so, we anxiously await the arrival of our newest family member, on September 3rd. Wish us luck, and please use this website to follow along with our pregnancy, and the first year of our new baby's life!