However, if I put in a vote for the doctor who did our ultrasound today, it would be:

"Um...Uh...Boy. As a percentage? 51% boy to 49% girl"
So, as you can see, she is ULTRA confident about her guess. (Please read extreme
sarcasm here!) We are putting off the purchase of linens and paint until someone gives us a little better indication than that! The machine she used was not of the highest quality, and we only had a few minutes to peek as she was just doing the ultrasound as a favor to us. Also, baby was squirming around and not too revealing...
In about a month (I think the end of April) we're setting up the "big ultrasound" where they take the time to check for LOTS of detail, and are sure to get a picture of the genital region if you are interested.
Anyway, here is our favorite shot we got of baby today. I was online with my sister and proudly shared this "really clear picture" of the baby. She responded that, "I obviously could see more than her in the photo" so, at the risk that Ryan and I are filling in the fuzzy gaps of an ultrasound with our visions of chubby cheeks and wrinkled thighs, I'll try my best to "point out" a few features for those of you less imaginative than we are. Haha!
Anyway- I'm posting the same photo twice. Once with explanation, once without.

#1- Right knee
#2- Big Belly
#3- Right eye
#4- Left eye
#5- Chin
Hope that helps, Marilyn! Haha!!
Oh, and here is one more... you can sorta see the profile and spine on this one:

1 comment:
Your numbering system was perfect... you are a natural teacher.
xx Mar
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