Thursday, April 1, 2010

32 Weeks Old

Do you know what I love the most about being a Mom?  That these babies, are ours.  I can do whatever I want with them, whenever I want.  I have always loved babies.  I remember looking at moms with their cute little ones at restaurants and such and thinking- 'I'd like to pick that baby up' or 'I bet that baby would laugh if I ticked her'.  And now?  I can pick them up, tickle them, kiss them, love them.... all on my own terms.  I. LOVE. THESE. KIDS.  And, I love being a Mom.  When I get Liv out of her crib in the morning, or after a nap I always say, "Hi Goo-dee Girl"  ("Goo-dee girl" explanation:  My friend Marlyn speaks Spanish, and calls Liv "Gorda" which means fat.  haha.  Since I don't speak Spanish, I found myself changing this nickname into Gouda (my love of cheese, and her milky squishy texture explains this) Gouda somehow, evolved to Goo-Dee (with Jillian's help) and that explains that.)  

Anyway- Goo-dee girl has been in the habit of waking at 5:30am for a snack and a snuggle and this week we decided no more.  If I try to let her put herself back to sleep, she talks/whines/sings for OVER an hour before going back to bed.  Since her room and ours shares a wall, this means I'm awake the whole time.  The solution?  Liv has slept the last 4 nights in a pack and play in the laundry room.  And me, I've slept great.  Ha!  I think she's getting over waking up at 5ish now that she's not getting any attention, so I'm sure she'll be back in her pretty room soon.  haha!

In the PHOTOS THIS WEEK (link), you'll see Liv on her beautiful Easter quilt (thank you Shere!), Jillian "helping me" feed Liv, our Easter bunny in a basket, face painting, tummy time with her friend Laney, cute VANS from Aunt Marilyn, out to dinner, after the bath, pretty face, checking email with Jillian, story time at the library, & us on a tour of the local baseball field.  Whew!  What a week!

Take care,


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1 comment:

The Hayes Family said...

For reals 32 weeks already?!? Liv looks like she is one of the happiest babies on Earth! I love reading her weekly updates and love that she has been having a "sleepover" in the laundry room!